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Buitenlandse boeken (191)

New - The Pollinator Victory Garden

geen plaatje   The Pollinator Victory Garden offers practical solutions for winning the war against the demise of pollinators and give them a fighting chance. Learn how to transition your landscape into a pollinator haven by creating a habitat that includes pollinator nutrition, larval host plants for butterflies and moths, and areas for egg laying, nesting, sheltering, overwintering, resting, and warming. Find a wealth of information to support pollinators while improving the environment around you:

• The importance of pollinators and the specific threats to their survival
• How to provide food for pollinators using native perennials, trees, and shrubs that bloom in succession
• Detailed profiles of the major pollinator types and how to attract and support each one
• Tips for creating and growing a Pollinator Victory Garden, including site assessment, planning, and planting goals
• Project ideas like pollinator islands, enriched landscape edges, revamped foundation plantings, meadowscapes, and other pollinator-friendly lawn alternatives
Auteur Kim Eierman

Voorraad 1 ex

Prijs: 19,85